
Training course in mystery shopper for monitoring and control of performance of officials in the ministry confidentially


Mystery shopper is the name of one of the kinds of used means within the high control used, as mystery shopper has been widely used in the more recent and developed companies and within the various kinds of ministries, the idea is based on looking for the underbelly and branches of offices of such ministry or company through the person's becoming, who plays the role of mystery shopper, to be one of the beneficiaries of such visit and his action to make a transaction that needs and targets several visits in addition to such visit, and then starts to route his transaction among the different offices at which routing his transaction may need to pass through. During his round, the role of the mystery shopper is controlling and registering all the notes concerning what might seem to be work mechanism or amending what needs to be done after direct deal playing the role of the client and his touch on such problems directly.

The British Academy for Training and Development offers a training course in mystery shopper for monitoring and control of performance of officials in the ministry confidentially for everyone interested in understanding mechanisms of applying the mystery shopper system, work principle and the objectives of this system.

Objectives and target group

Target audience of attending the training course in mystery shopper for monitoring and control of performance of officials in the ministry confidentially:

  • Officers-in-charge of different ministries in the government.
  • Managers of offices of the ministry work evaluation within the different ministries.
  • Managers of administrative control department within the company.
  • All staff of the field of developing and updating the ministry activity.
  • All envoys sent by the prime minister within the framework of tasks of control of ministry activity.

How will participants get benefit from attending the training course in mystery shopper for monitoring and control of performance of officials in the ministry confidentially:

By the end of the course program, participants will already have identified:

  • Mystery shopper concept and ways of applying this mechanism to develop the ministry activity.
  • Form of writing reports issued by the mystery shopper and the points that need to be mentioned in the report.
  • Characteristics of the person who acts as mystery shopper and the program that suits him in order to achieve all his objectives.
  • Way of setting the planned objectives for the mystery shopper process and the offices and departments that must include in order to achieve the objectives completely.
  • Phases at which action shall be taken according to their sequence when hiring the person acting as mystery shopper.

Course Content

 The British Academy for Training and Development offers a training course in mystery shopper for monitoring and control of performance of officials in the ministry confidentially, and that is through raising the most important points in this regard, as the course content includes:

Defining the mechanism of the service provided by mystery shopper through:

Defining the way of work by using this technique which includes the main objectives of applying the mystery shopper which are:

1) How to develop a general vision about the work nature occurring in the ministry and the quality degree level by which such work is done.

2) How to consider the point of view of clients or the persons dealing with the ministry and attempting to narrow the gap between the perspective at which the ministry considers its work and the reality of the existing situation in terms of the quality of the service provided by the ministry.

3) Determining the problems or the administrative defect occurring in the ministry activity through the direct deal of the mystery shopper with all offices and departments at which proceeding inquiry about is required in the task or within the framework of the department needed to be detected by the mystery shopper.

4) How to deliver and draft periodic reports during the days at which the mystery shopper works during his visits to the ministry, in addition to collecting all the notes and views monitored by the mystery shopper and then registered regularly and to be attached with some important details to determine the positive and negative points in the work system in the whole ministry.

5) International standards of work which the mystery shopper must check the application of the departments and offices of the company fully, and their commitment to all the global terms in management.

The course also discusses some other jobs and tasks that are detected and monitored within the framework of the mystery shopper work and includes:

1) How the ministry staff deal with the persons and beneficiaries of the ministry, in the terms of the extent of their commitment to the terms of tactfulness and good action in dealing with clients, and attempting to inquire the feedbacks and satisfaction level of such beneficiaries of the ministry activity.

2) Detection of aspects of corruption that may spread out in the ministry media, which take many shapes through the experiment of providing bribes to the ministry across its different departments, also it can be corruption through suspicious telephone calls and making deals away from the main department in charge of managing such affairs.

3) Time measurement, as exploration of time consumed to perform any of the previous transactions is one of the most notable aspects that are inquired and monitored through the mystery shopper, therefore, mystery shopper in every visit and during writing his report, the report must include the waiting period that he had to terminate his deal with this office or that office that follows the ministry and ministers, in addition to registering the total period that requires the citizen to start in a transaction that is under the jurisdiction of this ministry, and making a recommendation whether the transaction takes time more than the normal time which is determined among the standards of high level work.   

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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